古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 詞匯精選:vain的用法和辨析


壹、詳細釋義: , adj. , 空虛的;無價值的;無意義的 , 例句: ,This is a vain and fleeting thing.,這是壹種空虛的、轉瞬即逝的東西。, 例句: ,He wasted his time in the vain pleasures of *** oking and drinking.,他在吸菸喝酒這種空虛的快樂中虛度年華。, 徒勞的;無效的 , 例句: ,It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force.,試圖用暴力消除異端邪說是徒勞的。, 例句: ,All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were in vain.,他們想從燃燒的大樓中救出小孩的所有嘗試都是徒勞的。, 自負的;愛虛榮的 , 例句: ,She's one of those vain people who can't pass a mirror without looking into it.,她屬於那種愛虛榮的人,每到壹面鏡子前都非要照壹照不可。, 例句: ,She is vain and extravagant.,她既愛虛榮又奢侈。, 二、詞義辨析: , haughty,proud,arrogant,vain ,這些形容詞都有“驕傲的,傲慢的”之意。haughty較正式用詞,多用於貶義。指對身份或地位比自己低的人采取冷淡、輕視或鄙互的態度。proud含義廣,普通用詞。褒義指自豪和榮耀以及強烈的自尊;貶義則指傲慢,自以為是或自鳴得意。arrogant用於貶義,指過高估計自己,以致驕傲自大或傲慢無禮,目中無人。vain指壹個對自己的外表或對自己留給別的印象太過分地關註,以致自命不凡,自鳴得意。, 三、相關短語: ,in vain,徒然地,無效地,無結果地, 四、參考例句: ,She is vain and extravagant.,她既愛虛榮又奢侈。,It was a vain?effort.,這種努力是徒勞無益的。,It was a vain effort.,這種努力是徒勞無益的。,When prayer so often proves in vain.,當信徒們徒勞無功地證明。,She's just a vain, foolish woman.,她不過是個愚蠢自負的女人。,He was self-important, vain and ignorant.,他傲慢自負,虛榮無知。,She is vain of her voice.,她自以為她的聲音了不起。,This is a vain and fleeting thing.,這是壹種空虛的、轉瞬即逝的東西。,Vain glorious people are susceptible to flattery.,虛榮的人易受諂媚。,She is as vain as a peacock.,她極其自負,跟壹只孔雀壹樣。