男生最欣賞女生的10大品質 妳都有嗎
3 男人各異,喜歡的女人也各有不同。而且,男人喜歡什麽女人還得看他是想戀愛結婚,還是只想找個女孩打發周六晚上。如此這般,下面就為大家列出大部分男人都喜歡的10大女性品質吧。當然,排序不分先後,情況因人而異。 1. Confident 自信 Men like their women to be confident, someone who enters a room walking tall and makes eye contact is found to be attractive. Women who are confident about their looks and abilities are easier to be around, than those who need constant affirmation. It’s nice to have your girl lean on you for support with her insecurities once in a while, but someone who needs constant support can be a little annoying. 男人希望自己的女人充滿自信,能風姿綽約地走進房間,單憑眼神接觸就足以秒殺無數。對自己容貌和能力充滿自信的女人,要比那些總是要人給予肯定的女人更容易俘獲男人的心。女朋友偶爾靠在肩頭為那點不安全感尋求庇護還行,要是壹直這樣,男人就會覺得煩人了。 2. Good Sense of Humor 幽默 No one wants to be with someone who has a dull personality and is always serious. Guys want a girl who can laugh at their jokes, herself at times say something funny and enjoy herself. They don’t want someone who is always negative about everything and finds it difficult to enjoy herself. Girls with a cheery disposition and positive outlook are attractive to men. 沒人喜歡跟性格沈悶刻板的人交往。男人喜歡能被他們的笑話逗樂的女人,也希望女人自己偶爾也能來點兒幽默。男人不喜歡消極悲觀難以開心的女人。快快樂樂、積極樂觀的女人更能吸引男人。 3. Well-groomed 穿著整潔 Well, there’s no denying that appearance is important, it is what initially attracts a guy to a girl. Guys like girls who are feminine, this may have to do with the fact that it makes them feel more masculine. Most guys also like girls with nice hair, it’s less about appearance and more about being well-groomed. No one would like a girl who does not maintain personal hygiene. In addition, a healthy girl with a fit body is more attractive to guys. 毋庸置疑,女人的容貌非常重要,往往也是吸引男人的首要因素。男人喜歡有女人味的姑娘,很可能是因為這能襯托男人的男子漢氣概吧。很多男人還喜歡秀發飄飄的女人——她們不僅看上去漂亮,感覺也很幹凈整潔。誰會喜歡連個人衛生都搞不好的女人呢?此外,健康微胖的女人在男人眼裏更有魅力哦! 4. Independent 獨立 Independence is an attractive trait to most men, they like women who have their own life. While, it can be nice to receive attention from a girl, someone who’s life revolves around her guy will be way too clingy. Guys need attention and care but at the same time they need their space. They are more likely to date a girl who has her own set of friends and hangs out with them. But, at the same time, men like being providers and need a woman to be dependant on them to an extent, to remind them that they are needed. 大部分男人很欣賞獨立女性,他們喜歡有自己生活的女人。雖然受到女人關註感覺很美好,但要是女人整天圍著男人轉,未免也太粘人了。男人確實需要重視與呵護,但同時也需要他們自己的空間。所以,男人更願意和有自己朋友圈子的女人交往戀愛。不過某種程度上講,男人也願意給女人依靠,好讓自己感到被需要。 5. Understanding 善解人意 Guys want an understanding girl, someone who isn’t constantly cribbing. She should accept her guy the way he is and be willing to make minor adjustments. Moreover, while opposites may attract, men want women to respect his beliefs and preferably share his likes and dislikes. A girl who nags a guy beyond reason is a huge turn-off. Guys look for a woman who can support and appreciate them. 男人喜歡善解人意的女人,而不要總是疑神疑鬼。他們希望女人接受真實的自己,希望女人願意為此作出些許讓步。而且,雖然大唱反調的女人也蠻有意思,但男人總體還是希望女人能夠尊重他們的想法並分享他們的好惡的。總是喋喋不休無理取鬧的女人絕對不受歡迎。男人需要能支持贊賞他們的女人。 6. Honest and Loyal 誠實忠貞 Of course men want a woman who does not lie and will be loyal to him. He needs to have the assurance that she will not be flirting with his friend, the minute he leaves the room. So, the obvious traits they look for in women are faithfulness and reliability. They want someone who will stand by their side no matter what. Looking at the number of breakups and divorces due to infidelity, it’s no surprise that this quality is highly looked for in girls. 毋庸置疑,男人都希望女人對自己誠實忠貞。他絕不容許女人背後跟他的朋友搞曖昧。所以,男人特別希望女人忠誠靠譜。他們希望不管發生什麽,女人都能維護他們。想想有多少人因為不忠而分手離婚吧!也難怪男人特別看重這壹點了。 7. Mature and Well-Spoken 成熟穩重&談吐得體 Baby talk may be cute once in a while, but mostly men like women who are mature and talk sense. She should be able to have a normal conversation that does not involve clothes and makeup. She should be interesting and not too loud. Also girls who abuse too much maybe a turn off, especially if the guy himself refrains from profanity. 雖然偶爾孩子氣地講話比較可愛,但多數男人更希望女人成熟講理。除了衣服化妝,女人應該能夠進行理性的交談。女人講話應該溫文爾雅、富有趣味。而且,嘰嘰喳喳的女人也不受歡迎——尤其對那些討厭臟話的男人而言。 8. Easy Going 大方隨和 Guys look for girls who are easy going, an uptight person is not really liked by men. ‘The girl next door’ is most preferred when they intend to have a serious relationship. A girl they can take home to meet their family and a girl they can have a good time with. Men look for women who can let go, someone who isn’t afraid of messing up her makeup, who is laid back and easy to please. 男人喜歡大方隨和的女人,小家子氣的女人可不受歡迎。當男人想正兒八經談戀愛時,八成會選"鄰家女孩"。他們希望有壹個能帶回去見家人的女孩,壹個可以開開心心相處的女孩。男人喜歡性情隨和的女人,不介意花了妝,為人自在好相處。 9. Caring 富有愛心 Men most definitely like women who care for them and make little efforts to show them their concern. Small gestures like cooking for him, ironing a shirt, asking him if he’s had lunch or a quick kiss when he’s feeling low are highly appreciated. Men feel nice when they know their girl is paying attention to them, noticing small things and taking care of his needs. But, at the same time they like getting their space, so women should refrain from overdoing it. 男人當然喜歡關心他們、努力為他們著想的女人了。無論是做飯、熨襯衫,還是問他有沒有吃飯或偷偷啵啵壹下,都會使男人大為歡心。男人特喜歡女人關註他們、對他的所需所要細致入微。當然,他們也需要自己的空間,女人千萬別做過頭了哦! 10. Supportive 給予支持 Men look for supportive women, particularly when they are interested in a long-term relationship. For a guy in his 20s, who is still struggling with his career, the support of his girl is very important. He wants someone who will listen to him, without making fun of him or putting him down. Someone who will give him objective advice and make him look good in front of others. 男人需要能支持他們的女人——長期交往時尤為如此。對於20幾歲還在打拼事業的男人來說,女朋友的支持非常重要。他需要有人聽他傾訴,不嘲諷打擊他,而是給他客觀建議,讓他在外面更加出色。