Although artist Diego Rivera was 20 years older than painter Frida Kahlo, she called him her “big child.” Kahlo loved Rivera, even though he was reportedly unfaithful. She once said, “I suffered o grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down … The other accident is Diego.” The following is from a letter that Kahlo sent to Rivera in 1940:
墨西哥著名藝術家叠戈·裏維拉盡管比畫家弗裏達·卡羅年長二十歲,弗裏達·卡羅仍然將他喚作自己的“大孩子”。雖然有傳聞稱叠戈·裏維拉不忠,不過弗裏達·卡羅依舊愛著他。她曾說:“我的人生有兩大沈痛的意外:壹是被壹輛有軌電車撞倒……二就是遇見了叠戈。” 下面的這段話出自1940年卡羅寫給裏維拉的壹封信:
“Diego my love- Remember that once you finish the fresco we will be together forever once and for all, without arguments or anything, only to love one another. Behave yourself and do everything that Emmy Lou tells you. I adore you more than ever. Your girl, Frida (Write me).”