古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 英語翻譯A setof 10 numbers has sum 100.Each number of the set is?

英語翻譯A setof 10 numbers has sum 100.Each number of the set is?

有十個數,它們的和為100,如果每個數都加上20,再乘以20,最後再減去20,求此時,這新得到的十個數的和,7,A setof 10 numbers has sum 100. Each number of the set is increased(增加)by 20, then multiplied(乘)by 20then decreased by 20. What is the sum of the numbers in the new set?




A setof 10 numbers has sum 100.Each number of the set is increased(增加)by 20,then multiplied(乘)by 20then decreased by 20.What is the sum of the numbers in the new set?