1. 延長壽命
“prolong life”表示延長壽命,例如:“A healthy diet and regular exercise can help prolong life.”
2. 延長會議時間
“prolong a meeting”表示延長會議時間,例如:“The meeting was prolonged for another hour due to the heated debate.”
3. 延長合同期限
“prolong a contract”表示延長合同期限,例如:“The two parties agreed to prolong the contract for another year.”
4. 延長保鮮期
“prolong shelf life”表示延長保鮮期,例如:“The new packaging technology can prolong the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.”
1. lengthen:與“prolong”意思相似,表示延長,但通常用於表示時間、距離等方面的延長。
2. extend:與“prolong”和“lengthen”意思相似,表示延長,但更加通用。
3. drag on:表示某事物持續時間過長,例如:“The meeting dragged on for hours.”
4. stretch out:表示延長時間或距離,例如:“The road stretches out for miles.”
5. draw out:表示延長時間或拖延,例如:“The speaker drew out his speech for another hour.”