幼兒園大班英語教案範文壹:sing dance paly
活動目標:1、能聽懂並會說與活動有關的基本單詞:sing dance play。
2、能聽懂並會說基本句型:let's sing. let's dance . let's paly 。
壹、 日常對話:
1、t: good morning , children !
c: good morning , teacher !
2、sing the song “good morning!”
3、t: how are you ,today ?
c: fine, thank you . how are you ?
t: i'm fine , too .
二、 復習舊知:
1、t: last week , we have learnt something in our schoolbag . now , let's say them again , ok ?
2、教師出示某壹種學習用品,用“do you have a …?”問幼兒,請幼兒用“yes , i do . 和 no , i don't.”來回答。
三、 學習新知:
1、教師出示卡片,提問:“what's she doing ?”先請幼兒用中文回答,然後教師教幼兒學說“sing”這個新單詞。
2、請幼兒用動作表示“sing”,並跟教師說:“sing , sing , let's sing .”
3、用同樣的方法教學“dance”、“ let's dance ”、“paly”、“ let's paly”。
四、 單詞鞏固:
1、遊戲“i say and you do ”.
教師說:“one one one and two two two ,sing sing sing ,let's sing”,請幼兒邊聽邊跳,聽到單詞後迅速做出相應的動作,並保持不動。教師說另外壹句,遊戲依次進行。
五、 學說“快樂歌謠”
六、 結束部分:
t:today ,we sing , we dance and we play .do you feel ha y ,today ?
c: yes !
t: now , let 's say “good bye “” to the teachers .
c: bye-bye ,teacher !
幼兒園大班英語教案範文二:Play with hapes
objectives(目標):1、 encourage the kids to recognize and say the word
2、 review the words about color
3、 讓幼兒通過看、聽、說等多感官來體會學習英語的快樂;
4、 建立良好的聽說能力;
5、 通過tpr、遊戲等活動,讓幼兒在學習外語的同時,發展其動覺智力。
teaching materials(教具準備):
tape ; sticker; 魔法棒壹個;各種圖形的圖片; 毛線;自制釣魚工具;情境掛圖;cd;
teaching proce (教學流程):
壹、 warm up(熱身) :
1、 tpr:播放律動“play-way to english”,讓幼兒伴隨著音樂進入課堂,並壹起做律動。
t: how are you today?
s: i'm fine, thank you! and you?
t: i'm fine too. and how is the weather today?
s: it's su y/rainy day.
t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i'm magic, and then please look at the blackboard.
二、teaching new words about shapes:
1、 通過魔法遊戲以開火車的方式壹壹在黑板上出示各種圖形;
2、 學習詞匯:square star triangle rectangle heart oval;
3、 q&a:what color is the(square)? 復習相關顏色詞匯;
4、 字匯遊戲(壹): fishing game
t:ok, now would you like play a game? s:yes.
t: let's have a compotatio if i say the words, you should use this one, fishing the right picture as fast as you can, the first one is the wi er. understand? ok, who can try? ready go.
t:oh, please look at the picture; who is he/she?
s: she/he is midi/haley….
t: can you gue what are they doing? (請幼兒觀察圖畫後回答)
what's i ide? what shape is it? 請幼兒上來壹壹找出圖畫裏欠缺的物品,並回答相應的問題,幫助復習鞏固所學詞匯。
四、遊戲(二):make the shapes by yourself.
woo…today you are very clever, are you ha y today ? now i want to make a circle, let's make, ok? sing a song“the more we get together.”結束活動。
幼兒園大班英語教案範文三:lion's birthday
character: lionra it a
ra it b
teddy bear a
teddy bear b
l: hello, everyone. i'm lion. today is my birthday. i'm very ha y. i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. i'm busy.
r: hello, everyone. i'm ra it. today is lion's birthday. let's go lion's home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, now let's go, now let's go.)
l: who?
r: i'm ra it.
l: good morning, ra its.
r: good morning, lion. how are you?
l: i'm fine, thank you. come in please.
r: thank you.
r: ha y birthday. (把禮物給獅子)here you are. we hope you like.
l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出壹些吃的請小兔子們吃)
r: thank you.
teddy bear : hello, everyone. i'm teddy bear. today is lion's birthday.
we prepared a present for him. let's go lion's home. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear, teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )
l: who?
b: i'm teddy bear.
l: good morning, teddy bears.
b: good morning, lion. how are you?
l: i'm fine, thank you. come in please.
b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把禮物給獅子)here you are.
l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出壹些吃的請小熊吃)
l: time is up. let's enjoy the birthday cake, ok?
b,r,l: (最後齊唱生日快樂歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you.
teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion.
幼兒園大班英語教案範文四:What's this ?
活動要求:1、能聽懂句型“What's this?”,會用“It's a……”句型回答問題。
2、復習單詞:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish
壹、Please stand up.
Trun back.
Let's say “Good morning,teacher.”
There're many teachers at here,we're ha y and gay.
Now. Let's sing a song《Hello,Good morning》.
Turn back.
Sit down please.
二、T: Today is Thursday.
What's the weather like today?
C: It's fine.
T: On, it' fine.
Let's go to the zoo,ok?
C: Ok!
T: Let's riding in my car. Are you ready?
1、 Oh, how beautiful it is?
Look, what's this?
— It's a panda.(集體 — 個2人)
Yes, It's a panda.
What's this?
— It's a monkey. (集體 — 個3人)
2、 Now, listen. T: “汪汪汪”,Who's this?
— It's a dog.(集)(出示卡片)
— Oh, It's a dog.
T:“喵喵喵”,Who's this?
— It's a cat.(集 — 第壹、二組2人)
3、Look, what's this?
— It's a elephant.(集 — 男2、女1人)
4、Who's coming? Look, what's this?(老師做兔跳)
— It's a ra it.(4人)
T: What's this? Now, let's read it together.
Please read after me,“sheep”.
What's this? Please go on.
— It's a sheep.
What's this?
— It's a lion.(8、9人)
四、Now, listen and act.
monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion 。
2.Look and say.(按順序讀壹遍)
五、We'll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.
(老師:“The wolf is coming”幼兒要立即停止發出聲音,並蹲下,否則被狼吃掉)
T: Dog!
T: The wolf is coming.
(還可以讓幼兒輪流上來做)Who wants to try?
六、Now, it's too late. Let's go home.
Boys and girls, let's sing a song《Good bye》.