古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - drink的過去式


drink的過去式是drank。drink是英文單詞,動詞、名詞,作動詞時意為:喝,飲;喝酒。作名詞時意為:酒,飲料;. 壹杯(飲料或酒) ;飲,喝酒;貪杯,酗酒。短語:soft drink無酒精飲料;軟性飲料;drink alcohol喝酒;飲酒;alcoholic drink酒精性飲料;酒精飲料;酒精飲品;have a drink喝壹杯;drink beer喝啤酒;in drink喝醉時;drink and drive酒後駕車。


1、Tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident.茶,作為世界上最受歡迎的飲料,是偶然被發明出來的。

2、To ensure customers drink the right amount of soda.以確保顧客喝到適量的汽水。

3、If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking, why should common people be afraid?如果他們不怕抽煙酗酒的危害,普通人又何必害怕呢?

4、Rum, a strong alcoholic drink, which is distilled from sugar cane, is also an export.朗姆酒是壹種烈性酒精飲料,由甘蔗蒸餾而成,也是壹種出口產品。