2.通量;流動,bee liquid or fluid when heated,move or progress freely as if in a stream,excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or an (as in watery diarrhea),the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface,a flow or discharge,a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action,(physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area,mix together different elements,a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed,the lines of force surrounding a permanent mag or a moving charged particle,in constant change,be in flux 不斷變動 ,circulation flux 環流通量 ,brazing flux 釬焊劑 ,chemical flux 化學熔劑 ,fringing flux 邊緣通量 ,galvanizing flux 鍍鋅熔劑 ,gas flux 氣焊焊劑,氣體焊劑,氣體釬劑 ,glass flux 玻璃狀焊劑 ,displacement flux 位移通量 ,fluid flux 流體通量 ,flux n. 1.連續的改變;不穩定的狀態,不斷的變動;不停的變化 2.通量;流動,flux depression 通量減弱修正,flux covering 機 熔劑覆蓋法,flux grown 熔融生長的,open flux path 開磁路,cross flux 正交磁通,flux second 通量每秒,leakage flux 漏磁通,anti flux 機 抗熔劑,magic flux linkage 磁鍵